What about me? While watching out for the fun God glimpses amongst my students, how can I also be an image bearer?
Because each of us was made in God's image, we reflect Him. Period. That's truth. It doesn't always seem like it though.
All of these things we teachers feel on a fairly regular basis. How can God be found in these things? When things are piling up both on your desk and inside your head...where is God in that?
Although He is perfect and infinite, and we are neither. I believe that my teacher life has attributes that can reflect who He is. Here are two of my favorites:
1. Faithful
For some of your students. you may be the one of most consistent adults in their life. Your days may have ups and downs, but you show up. Your faithfulness in being there for your students, consistent with your procedures and expectations, mirrors a quality of our God. May your faithfulness in showing up for your students (in all the ways that may mean) point them to the One who is the most faithful.
2. Loves the individual
Some days, when I look around my classroom, I feel such a relief to know that my God is limitless. As a teacher, I care about the needs, strengths and weaknesses of each individual student. But as a teacher, my day is full and busy and I am stretched thin among many individual students. I so wish I could meet each student's need on a more individual level. This could be a slap in the face of my finite, limited self (it often is). I can't do it all. I do serve One who can. That teacher instinct of wanting to love and serve individuals makes us image bearers of our God who desires an individual relationship with each person on the planet. We carry the reflection of His compassion and empathy. I pray that I can keep in perspective the reality of my humanity alongside my potential as an image bearer of our King.
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